Venn diagram

英 [ˈven daɪəɡræm] 美 [ˈven daɪəɡræm]

n.  文氏图(将集表示为相交的圆,以显示不同集之间的共同性质)




  1. 文氏图(将集表示为相交的圆,以显示不同集之间的共同性质)
    a picture showing sets (= groups of things that have a shared quality) as circles that cross over each other, to show which qualities the different sets have in common


    1. For our final Venn diagram, the United Kingdom is a country situated on the British Isles and is part of the Crown which is controlled by the monarch ( y).
    2. This is really the trick behind the Venn diagram I showed you in my blog post on taking charge of your career.
    3. Can you find two different things and make a Venn Diagram to compare them?
    4. I will draw a Venn diagram.
    5. Then, the identifying method and process of knowledge gaps is studied by using VENN diagram.
    6. How does the Venn Diagram help you understand the characters?
    7. A.which sentences are in categorical form just as they stand? For those that are, name the form, say what the quantity and quality are, and draw the Venn diagram.
    8. Indeed, if you think of a Venn diagram, and put him in one circle and the worthy agenda of diversity in another, there would seem to be no overlap.
    9. Although this new method is very similar to the Venn Diagram, there are still some differences between them. However, the final results are the same.
    10. The differentially expressed genes were classified using Venn diagram and annotated with gene ontology.
    11. In ( 1) and ( 2) some special Boolean equations are solved by means of Venn diagram or deduction, but it is difficult to solve complex Boolean equations by these methods.
    12. This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue. A Venn's diagram of predicate grue is presented.
    13. To Test the Validity of Syllogism by Set Diagram& and also on the Comparison between Set Diagram and Venn Diagram